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The Importance of Dog and Cat Checkups

Wondering why you should take your pet to the veterinarian even when they seem healthy? Today, our Murfreesboro vets discuss why cats and dogs should come in for annual exams and what we do during these checkups.

The Importance of Vet Checkups

If your cat or dog appears to be perfectly healthy, you might be wondering why you'd bother booking an appointment with your vet. However, when it comes to preserving your pet's good health long-term, annual exams are essential. 

Taking your four-legged friend to the vet, even if they appear healthy, allows your vet to check in on your pet's health, administer necessary care such as routine vaccines and parasite prevention, and identify any emerging health issues so they can be treated before they become more serious concerns.

In this post, we'll explain what your vet will do when you take your dog or cat in for their wellness exam.

What to Expect at Your Pet's Exam

A vet checkup is similar to the annual physicals that people get from their primary care physician. The types of tests, checks, and vaccines administered at each exam will be determined by your pet's age and general health.

Your Pet's First Vet Visit 

Puppies and kittens should go to the vet for the first time around the age of eight weeks. During this first visit, your new furry friend will be given a thorough physical examination to assess their overall health, look for external parasites, and look for signs of congenital defects.

Your vet will administer deworming medications to eliminate any potential hookworms, tapeworms and roundworms, in addition to your pet's first vaccinations. For kittens, a blood test will be done to check for feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus. 

5 — 6 Month Booster Shots, Spay & Neuter Procedure & Microchipping

In their first year of life, your cat or dog will need to see the vet periodically for wellness exams and to receive their vaccines. 

These examinations are usually performed at 12 and 16 weeks of age. To be protected against these diseases, your cat will require all three rounds of Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia, Chlamydia, Feline Leukemia, and Rabies vaccines. Puppies will require DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus) vaccinations and boosters, as well as Rabies and Leptospirosis.

Our vets recommend you have your puppy or kitten spayed or neutered when they are around five to six months old. These common reproductive surgeries help to reduce the number of homeless cats and unwanted puppies in shelters throughout the Murfreesboro area, and can prevent a range of serious conditions, including certain types of cancers. 

You may also consider having your kitten or puppy microchipped at this age. In case your pet runs away, or is lost or stolen, a microchip can increase your chances of being reunited with your beloved feline or canine companion. 

What Your Veterinarian Does During Your Pet's Annual Exam 

When you bring your pet in for a yearly checkup, your vet at Animal Medical Center will go over your pet's medical history with you and ask if you have any concerns about their health or behavior. Your pet's lifestyle, thirst level, bathroom habits, and diet will all be discussed.

You may also be asked to bring along a fresh sample of your pet's feces (bowel movement) so your veterinarian can check for intestinal parasites. 

Finally, your veterinarian will conduct a full physical examination for your pet. This typically includes:

  • Checking your pet's stance and gait for abnormalities 
  • Listening to the heart and lungs 
  • Examining feet and nails for damage or symptoms of more serious health conditions
  • Weighing your pet 
  • Inspecting your pet's coat and skin, looking for dermatological issues, bald patches or dandruff 
  • Palpate your cat or dog's abdomen to find out whether internal organs appear to be normal and to check for signs of pain or discomfort 
  • Feeling along the body (palpating) for signs of illness such as pain, swelling, limited range of motion or evidence of lameness 
  • Checking ears for signs of ear mites, wax build-up, polyps, or signs of bacterial infection 
  • Inspecting your cat or dog's teeth for signs of tooth decay, damage or periodontal disease

If no issues are identified along the way, all of these checks can be completed quickly and seamlessly. Your vet will likely even chat with you as they perform the exam. 

The veterinarian will also administer annual vaccinations at your pet's wellness exam, based on your pet's schedule. 

Vet Checkups for Senior Cats & Dogs

Proactive preventive veterinary care is critical to helping pets of all ages (especially seniors) live long, healthy and happy lives.

For senior dogs and cats, wellness exams allow your veterinarian the opportunity to detect health issues in their early stages and present proactive treatment options to keep your pooch or kitty comfortable and slow the progression of age-related conditions. 

Common age-related health issues in elderly animals include heart disease, degeneration of hearing and sight, osteoarthritis, orthopedic issues, kidney and liver disease and urinary issues. 

When your senior pet sees our Murfreesboro vets for their geriatric wellness exam, we'll conduct all the routine checks we do for adult pets but also closely examine your pet for signs of emerging age-related health conditions. Additional diagnostic testing may be recommended based on your vet's findings. 

Don't Forget to Book Your Pet's Yearly Checkup 

Annual exams offer your four-legged friend the best chance at a long, healthy life when it comes to ensuring your pet is cared for regardless of age or stage in life. Consult your veterinarian to determine how frequently your pet should be examined.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Is it time for your pet's annual exam? Contact our Murfreesboro vets today to book an appointment for your feline friend. 

New Patients Always Welcome

Animal Medical Center is happy to welcome new patients! Our experienced vets are passionate about improving the health of Murfreesboro companion animals. Contact us today to book your pet's first appointment.

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